Wednesday 29 July 2015

"Got-to-get-it-done-before-I-go-on-vacation” syndrome

It is 6.00 a.m. and today’s my last day at work before summer vacation so I go into the office early. An hour later the obsessive “got-to-get-it-done-before-I-go-on-vacation” syndrome has kicked into overdrive. The feeling that today, before I go home, I have to have every contract finalized, digitalized and distributed, all policies & procedures updated to the day, all meetings planned right up until Christmas, my inbox cleared of any and all communications, my To-Do list … ha humm … clear of course, and if that isn’t enough, I feel the need to clean the automatic coffee machine.  Yes, a slight exaggeration I agree, but are you ever overwhelmed by the feeling that you cannot go on vacation until EVERYTHING is done or else you won’t be able to relax!?!?  And then there is the compulsion to give the house a good once-over so that I come home to a “clean” house after three weeks.  As if dust-mites realize no one is home, so they won’t come in …LOL. 

Now it goes without saying that there has been a suitcase propped against the wall in the bedroom for at least a week, open so that things that need to be taken on the much deserved vacation won’t be forgotten.  An Excel sheet is printed with a list of things that need to be organized, e-readers are topped up, holiday outing and or projects prepped and lined up.  And don’t forget a travel itinerary which includes every dinner, every grocery run, a first few days shopping list, where to pick-up tickets for outings etc. etc. etc.  And yes it is all under control, because there is a week at home before we go on the travelling part of the vacation.  I so, so, so need this vacation too by the way.  Busy in every area of life with many fantastic things, but a 24-hour day seems to be way too short. Cannot wait to feel the warmth of the sun, smell the tropical sun-screens and feel the sand under my feet….. bliss!!

Does anyone recognize this scenario?  I am even inclined to think it is a “Mum thing”, because as mothers we have this multi-tasking sixth-sense that knows no bounds.

Today however, it occurred to me that it is all too easy to get caught up in preparing to go on holidays, that I forget that although I have not yet arrived at the airport, the moment I walk out of my office building, I am on vacation.  And before I know it, a whole week will pass getting ready for a holiday that has already started.  So, another thing learned, another day wiser, and just that bit more chill-axed and enjoying holidays!

Friday 24 July 2015

It's all about the "splat"

I just watched an episode of Masterchef Australia as George Calombaris creates a dish, "Monochrome of Red", where he spectacularly prepares salmon with an array of beautiful vegetables, sauces and a gel featuring beetroot is the hero.  I was particularly interested to learn about what's trendy in our culinary world these days with regards to plating.  Just love what he said, "it's all about the SPLAT, 'cause that smear, we killed it didn't we...".
So there you have it!  We've had the BRUSH, and a SMEAR and now we have the SPLAT

B R I L L I A N T !!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

A new craze, "colouring for adults" (and its therapeutic too)

In Holland the absolute latest craze in COLOURING FOR ADULTS. We're talking a colouring book, pencils and  texters.... yes ....just as our kids do. 
But say no more, it wouldn't be a craze if it didn't have a twist.  So here it is .....

The images to colour range from mandalas, to nostalgic prints, florals, landscapes culturally themed, nature images or even tattoo style prints.  The possibilities are endless.  Then there is a choice of paper or cardboard, blackened backgrounds, birthday calendars, postcards, colouring puzzles (as in ... like a crossword) or a panoramic poster divided into individual images collectively creating one.  They come in the most elegant of books or even subscription style glossy magazines.  

So choosing what you would like to colour is the first task at hand. The second is finding out which you prefer to colour with - pencils, aquarel pencils, felt pens (texters), or finelines thick and or thin.  Then, once you have your images and colours sorted.  It's time to install all of your attributes in front of you on the table and "grab a cuppa", because you will be surprised how long your "colouring-sit" will be.  

Now there is a bonus to this particular craze.  Not only is it a great way to spend time with your kids, colouring & chatting.  But when you take time for yourself it can be quite therapeutic and relaxing.  It's called Art Theraphy or Anti-Stress colouring.
You would need to try it and see for yourself.

I for one thoroughly enjoy it.  Colouring with company, or on my own just to relax.  It provides not only relaxation (and to coin the phrase, "me-time"), but also a way in which to order my thoughts when I am pensive.  All in all, if you like colouring, you are going to love this.

This will help you get the gist of it ....

Available at

 Available at

Mandalas (the left image took me collectively 6 hours of colouring time,
obviously spread out over a few sessions .....
was feeling very ZEN after that..)

One more bit of information to share on the subject....
Just the other day I heard a short interview between a television presenter and a psychologist.  The topic was "how to deal with being a worrier or a thinker".
Apparently ....
"People tend to think or worry when they are faced with uncertainty.  When dealing with a situation where the outcome is not known.  Instinctively we as people think about possible scenarios of what may or could happen.  A way of preparing ourselves for what is to come.  Hence the pensive and worrying times.  
In order to minimize the amount of worry or thinking and overthinking, a person needs to physically do something.  Use our bodies to perform an action.  Now this can be sport, but it can also be something else.  During the process of physically taking action, we shift our thoughts and are able to release them from circulating in our minds."

So seeing as sport is not my forte ... colouring to me seems like a pretty good option!

Monday 20 July 2015

It's new

So here I go, my maiden voyage into the world of Blogging.  Who knew?!

FOOD .... where to begin.
Could not quite make up my mind - do I love to cook main courses and sides or baked goods and desserts?  I thoroughly love cooking - full stop! All cuisines and styles.  But eventually I started wondering if I preferred one over the other.  I love the experimenting with flavors of good organic produce, beautiful meats and poultry, and gorgeous fresh seafood.  What's not to love?!  But then I think about the intricacy of baking and preparing desserts.  The food pairing and amazing flavors, light, fluffy, silky smooth and perfectly crunchy textures. 
Eventually I asked myself, if I had to choose one, which one do I feel the most comfortable with.  And there you have it ..... baking & desserts.  LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Contemplating, designing, experimenting and creating a delicious and delightful morsel of pure indulgence.
A good friend said to me, "I'm not surprised you love that, baking is so precise and the only way to get it right is if you stick to the method and process".  
Well this is absolutely true.  Baking is exactly that. Rigid processes to achieve a certain product.  Deviating from a proven process is not without risk.  It may work, or it may need perfecting. But hey .... how else do we learn!

Anyway, today I would love to tell you about an old-fashioned product, dating back to Grandma's time.  Marasquin or Maraschino.  It is a cherry based bitter sweet liquor with an almond flavoring, which originates from Kroatia.  I use it in pannacottas, creme patissiers, mousses, or syrups for cakes or chocolate truffles.  If you can get a hold of it, it is well worth a try.

Happy baking!